November 22, 2008

Another Walk around Town

The Carr's and us decided to take a walk around while waiting for the kids. It was overcast as usual, and windy, but the temperature was about 50. We stopped in a couple of stores and then went to the market for some fruit and vegetables. We got caught in the rain, but were prepared with our umbrellas. A must here in Ukraine. Natasha arrived back today and said it was snowing in Kiev. I can hardly wait - NOT!. I think the nice weather is over. The girls are good at UNO, and today we taught Natasha how to play. She soon discovered that Angelina cheats. The rest of us just put up with it, but Natasha wasn't letting her get away with anything. It was funny to watch the two of them go at it. Ray was able to sneek a couple of pictures of Tonia and hide the camera well enough that she couldn't find it. We look forward to visiting the Poltava branch again tomorrow. Our 10 day wait will soon be over - Yipeeee!


Lee-Ann said...

glad it is almost over. You will feel a huge sense of relief when they are with you 24/7. Everyone is great here. tomorrow we are going to have cake for Elle's birthday.

Anonymous said...

We are really enjoying the blog, Funny story about Angelina, and this comes under the category of things kids have in common throughout the world. We will have to put UNO cards on the list of items to take, especially now that Natasha knows how to play.

Let us know when you’re coming back, date, time, carrier & flight number.