April 21, 2009


Jesse and Brady, you can start celebrating now. There is officially another male member of the Evenson family! We did have our day in court after all. Things went really well. Lots of talking on my part and answering some questions. A few questions for Zhenya, but the most important one, "Do you want to be adopted by this family?" His reply, "Of course! This is just inside the court room with us and the judge. Afterwards, we all went to eat out at New York Pizza. Those of you who have been here will recognize some of the faces. I'm going to add a video even though after I viewed it, I realized it was quite shakey. Sorry about that.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you were able to get in. And I'm super excited to finally have brother!!
So whats next?

Lee-Ann said...

God is good. Love ya.

Brooke said...

I am so glad that everything ended up okay. It was so exciting to get that call from Melia that you went to court and we have a new brother. I hope everything else goes just as well. Love you!

The Rogers Family said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! After all those days and nights of prayers and hope, you have your end result! I'm so happy for all of you. Those kids are so dang lucky to have you all for parents and their new siblings! What a great day! I'm not shocked at all Vladimir got you in! He is the best! Lee-Ann came to our lunch yesterday, and announced that "it was a boy!" We all screamed! It was great!

Brooke said...

Hey mom, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday since technically it's the 23rd right now in the Ukraine. I'm sure this is one you won't forget. Love you!

Carlin said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad they were able to get you in with another judge. Hopefully things can go as well for you in Russia!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mom! We all just wanted to let you know how much we love you. Hope you have a great day.
Jesse, Claire, Elle and Fox

Andreas said...

Wow, this is great news...these kids finally have families. You had mentioned a few things about how his birth certificate is in Russia. What happens now?

Congrats to you. Tell the Straders to email me with an update for the SAC blog. :)